Friday, 12 February 2010

BBC Radio Lancashire

Hi everyone. I've just got home after doing an interview on the Ted Robbins Show on BBC Radio Lancashire. Ted is an old friend, who is also a great comedian. Some of you will know him as Den Perry in Phoenix Nights. The good thing about comedians who turn into interviewers, is that they know how to get the best out of you. You feel that you are in friendly company and it doesn't feel like you are in a Police interview room!
We had a really good chat about all sorts. I even did the "Noddy" routine by special request. At the end of the show, Ted told me that they had had a lot of emails and texts, saying how much they had enjoyed the chat.
If you are not in the BBC Lancashire area, or missed the show, it's available by going to the BBC Radio Lancashire website. Then look through the presenters and find Ted Robbins. Then click on "Listen Again." You then need to find "Friday 12th February 2010." My bit starts just after 1hr 12mins in.
Have a listen. This link should take you there. Copy and paste it into your address bar.

Keep well, speak soon.


Saturday, 6 February 2010


I've started filming the new series of IDEAL this week. This series is going to be one of the best so far. Graham Duff, who writes it, has come up with some great stories.
Nothing much has happened recently, it's always the quiet time of the year. I was lucky enough to be in the Caribbean again, which was a great place to read the IDEAL scripts. Flying back was interesting though. I had to fly from Aruba to Curacao, which only takes about half an hour. It was when I saw the plane! It was a small, propellor, plane. It only held about ten people, and it looked old, but I had no choice, I had to get on it or miss my flight back to Europe. I was very nervous, but it was absolutely fine. I surprised myself as I quite enjoyed the flight.

I'll blog again soon,